Cobb STEM Distinguished Educator Awards are proudly sponsored by
The Cobb STEM Distinguished Educator Awards are designed to recognize exceptional K-12 teachers in the Cobb County School District who have made a commitment to meaningfully implementing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in their classroom.
The application is closed for SY 2019-2020. Winners will be announced in August!
Congratulations to our third class of Cobb STEM Distinguished Educators!
(2018-2019 School Year Applicants)
Top Award Winner
Kimberly McCreary
Pickett's Mill Elementary School
"Over the past few years, I have earned my Science Endorsement, participated in the Innovation Academy, attended several science conferences, initiated STEM clubs at two different schools, and implemented STEM instruction in my classroom on a regular basis. When I saw that I could earn an award for participating in fun activities such as these, I knew I had to go for it! Working for this award has allowed me to renew my commitment to staying current with STEM practices and involved in STEM initiatives in my classroom and school. Most importantly, it has provided numerous opportunities for my students to be exposed to the world of STEM!"