Chemistry-related videosFun YouTube videos targeting young children on chemistry topics.
Chemistry is Everywhere! VideosWe recruited folks within our community in various industries to show how chemistry touches our lives every day!
Chemistry Experiment IdeasCheck out this American Chemical Society website for experiment ideas to do in your classrooms!
Participate in any National Chemistry Week activity to enter a contest!
If you choose to celebrate National Chemistry Week - by either using the resources here or finding some of your own - simply take a photo of your activity and send it to: [email protected] with the subject line "NCW Clorox Contest" - please include your name, school, grade and subject you teach, and one sentence explaining how you celebrated National Chemistry Week. Each entry will be displayed here and entered for a drawing to win a visit from Clorox scientists into your classroom - plus a basket of Clorox goodies for your classroom! Visits can be scheduled when convenient for your classroom in November / December. Take advantage of this unique opportunity - entries will be due by November 1st.