Members of the Cobb STEM team were invited out to Cooper Middle to observe their STEM program in action. We visited for a little over an hour and saw STEM students in 7th and 8th grade.
Some of the strengths we saw during our visit were as follows:
Opportunities for Growth included:
Some of the strengths we saw during our visit were as follows:
- Evidence of Rigorous Curriculum Expectations – Ocean project, Shepard Spinal Center Project, Structure
- Evidence of frequent collaboration among students – PBL learning
- Evidence of technology integration – iPads for research or use as needed, students as producers of digital content
- Evidence of College and Career opportunities
- Evidence of use of STEM Notebooks
Opportunities for Growth included:
- Technology Integration – While students are comfortable using the iPads, evidence of more consistent use of a variety of technology tools by students is needed. Students need opportunities to act as producers of digital content more frequently.
- Business & Community Partnerships – look for opportunities to invite additional partners into the school to engage in and enhance learning opportunities